Monday, November 26, 2012

Topic for Final Paper

My final paper will be about Turkish German people in Germany. I will try to explain the adjustment period of Turkish German people. By using this reality as an example, my topic for my final paper will be how to create a healthy multicultural community.

Review of Interview 3

My Scorecard!

My top three interviews are Gerry Jonathan's, Phung Trang's and Tran Queyen's posts.
All of my top three interviews have comprehensive country report. Also all of them have well presented blogs.

Best interview: Gerry Jonathan :  19 points.

My top interview's country report was the most comprehensive one that I ever read during 3 weeks. Post interview and pre-interview parts were didactic and interviewer successed to create a great conversation during interview.

Third interview

Interviewee: Rebecca Maier
Interviewer: Utku Hasbay
Second Interview Report
Date of Interview: Thursday, October 1st
Time of Interview: 5:00 pm
Location of Interview: Study Room 228 in Library

Preparation for the Interview

I define myself “lucky” for my third interview. My second interviewee helped me to contact with one of her friend. After that Rebecca and I had an interview on same day with my second one.

Transcription of the Interview

I=Interviewer, R=Interviewee

I: Are you an exchange student?

R: Yes!

I: Can you please tell me the major difference between German and American culture that you observed?

R: People in the USA are more open-minded. They come and talk with you even if they don’t know. In my opinion, German people are shyer.

I: What is the importance of the family culture in your culture?

R: It is very important. Family is the most important value in German people’s life.

I: What are the highlights of your culture?

R: Soccer and October Festival.

I: What are your favorite holidays to celebrate in Germany?

R: Christmas. We usually come together and eat.

I: What about your cuisine, what is your favorite cuisine?

R: I like Bavarian food. It requires a lot of time and work to cook most of them but I really like them. We usually use meat in Bavarian cuisine.

I: We mention about some of the major points of a culture but we did not mention about religion. What are the major beliefs in Germany?

R: We have all religions in Germany but most people are Christians and Muslims.

I: Do you think religious people and religion have influence on politics?



R: Yes, we have political parties who use religion in their politics. But it doesn’t affect social life in Germany. Usually important topics for politician in Germany is education and job opportunities.

I: As I said at the beginning I am from Turkey. Have you ever met anybody from Turkey?

R: Yes!

I: Do you think they completed their adjustment period to your culture successfully?


R: It is depended; I think new generation is better rather than older generation. We cannot generalize but usually they stay together and interact with each other.


I: What German people usually do in their free time?


R: Soccer, soccer, soccer… I usually watch just important ones. Also tennis, riding are some sports which are popular.


I: You attend to university in Germany and in the USA. Can you please compare you experience in two different cultures?

R: In Germany, your advantage is that you are more responsible for yourself. You have to organize yourself. I think it is better because it prepares students for their future life. Especially for your career it is helpful.

I: Do you have any questions for me?

R: No. Thank you!

I: Thank you so much!

Description of the Process

During my third interview, I usually got simple short answers and I couldn’t create a long conversation. Nevertheless I got some informative answers to my questions.

Utku Hasbay

Review of Interview 2

My scorecard!

My top three interviews are Madden Jonathan's, Phung Trang's and Murray Patrick's posts.

On my scorecard there were three students who have same points of 17. But I chose Murray Patrick's interview as third one and Phung Trang's as second one because in my opinion Phung Trang's interview was more informative than three others and Murray Patrick's post was more ordered than other 17 point receiver on my scorecard.

Best interview: Madden Jonathan :  19 points.

The top interview on my scorecard was most informative one. Also it was the one which has the most clear grammer.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Second interview report

Interviewee: Susanne Kick
Interviewer: Utku Hasbay
Second Interview Report
Date of Interview: Thursday, October 1st
Time of Interview: 5:00 pm
Location of Interview: Study Room 228 in Library

Germany Country Report

Germany is one of the six main founders of European Union. The European country which attracts attention with its strong economy, has Federal parliamentary system. Germany consists of 16 different states. Also it has the second largest population in Europe. German is the official language and Berlin is the capital city of Germany. The country covers 357,021 square kilometres. Temperate seasonal climate is dominant majority of this geography. President Joachim Gauck and Chancellor Angela Merkel are most powerful two politicians of the country. Country’s histroy traced before AD 100. During that time Germany had key roles in world history. Napoleonic Wars, German Revolution of 1918–1919, World War-I, World War-II, allied occupation (East-West), European Community are some of the highlights from its history. When we look to the demographics of the country, we can easily conclude that majority of the population is German. Also country hosts to other ethnic groups such as Turks, Asians, other Europeans. Sports, art, literature and philosophy are the center of interest for their culture. Some known German names in order of the interests that we mentioned are Franz Beckenbauer, Jurgen Klinsmann, Oliver Kahn, Miroslav Klose, Matthias Grünewald, Albrecht Dürer, Caspar David Friedrich, Max Ernst, Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Theodor Fontane, Brothers Grimm, Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling; Arthur Schopenhauer, Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche.


"Germany." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, N.d., Web. 20 Oct. 2012. <>.

"Central Intelligence Agency." CIA, N.d, Web. 20 Oct. 2012. <>.

"GermanyDeutschland“ Germany Facts: Learn Germany Facts., N.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2012.

Library of Congress. Federal Research Division., United States. Dept. of the Army., Germany:a country study, Washington, D.C. : Headquaters, Dept. of the Army, 3rd ed. (1996).

Preparation for the Interview


I met with my interviewee with my first interviewee’s help. After we scheduled a day with her for the interview, I reserved a study room in library. I was more comfortable during the preparation process for second time. On the interview day, I revise my questions and study on my approach styles for each topic. For the interview I dressed up professionally and went to interview location half an hour before to avoid unwanted circumstances.

Transcription of the Interview


Susanne didn’t reject me and accept to interview with me about Germany and German culture.


I=Interviewer, S=Interviewee


I: Are you an exchange student?


S: Yes!


I: Can you please tell me the major difference between German and American culture that you observed?


S: People in the USA are more comfortable to talk with strangers. Also core families are more common back in Germany.


I: What is the importance of the family culture in your culture?

S: It is very important.

I: What are the highlights of your culture?


S: Soccer, Fairy tale, October Festival.


I: What are your favorite holidays to celebrate in Germany?


S: The carnival holidays. It is like Halloween in here.


I: What about your cuisine, what is your favorite cuisine?


S: Sweet things. Cakes…


I: We mention about some of the major points of a culture but we did not mention about religion. What are the major beliefs in Germany?


S: Christians and Muslims.


I: Do you think religious people and religion have influence on politics?


S: Yes, we have political parties who use religion in their politics. But it doesn’t affect social life in Germany.


I: As I said at the beginning I am from Turkey. Have you ever met anybody from Turkey?


S: Yes!


I: Do you think they completed their adjustment period to your culture successfully?

S: In my opinion, new generation is most likely to adjust our culture. They usually stay together.


I: What German people usually do in their free time?

S: Usually sports. Like soccer…


I: You attend to university in Germany and in the USA. Can you please compare you experience in two different cultures?


S: In here Professors do care more about you. In Germany you have to take more responsibility. The education system usually emphasis that you are responsible for yourself!


I: Do you have any questions for me?


S: No. Thank you!


I: Thank you so much! It was a great, informative interview.


Description of the Process


I believe that I got lots of answers which are more valuable one from other. At the beginning of the interview my interviewee was nervous. During my second interview, I did not look at my questions. That helps me to develop a better conversation with my interviewee. For next interview, I would like to spend more time for the introduction conversation.

Utku Hasbay