Monday, November 26, 2012

Third interview

Interviewee: Rebecca Maier
Interviewer: Utku Hasbay
Second Interview Report
Date of Interview: Thursday, October 1st
Time of Interview: 5:00 pm
Location of Interview: Study Room 228 in Library

Preparation for the Interview

I define myself “lucky” for my third interview. My second interviewee helped me to contact with one of her friend. After that Rebecca and I had an interview on same day with my second one.

Transcription of the Interview

I=Interviewer, R=Interviewee

I: Are you an exchange student?

R: Yes!

I: Can you please tell me the major difference between German and American culture that you observed?

R: People in the USA are more open-minded. They come and talk with you even if they don’t know. In my opinion, German people are shyer.

I: What is the importance of the family culture in your culture?

R: It is very important. Family is the most important value in German people’s life.

I: What are the highlights of your culture?

R: Soccer and October Festival.

I: What are your favorite holidays to celebrate in Germany?

R: Christmas. We usually come together and eat.

I: What about your cuisine, what is your favorite cuisine?

R: I like Bavarian food. It requires a lot of time and work to cook most of them but I really like them. We usually use meat in Bavarian cuisine.

I: We mention about some of the major points of a culture but we did not mention about religion. What are the major beliefs in Germany?

R: We have all religions in Germany but most people are Christians and Muslims.

I: Do you think religious people and religion have influence on politics?



R: Yes, we have political parties who use religion in their politics. But it doesn’t affect social life in Germany. Usually important topics for politician in Germany is education and job opportunities.

I: As I said at the beginning I am from Turkey. Have you ever met anybody from Turkey?

R: Yes!

I: Do you think they completed their adjustment period to your culture successfully?


R: It is depended; I think new generation is better rather than older generation. We cannot generalize but usually they stay together and interact with each other.


I: What German people usually do in their free time?


R: Soccer, soccer, soccer… I usually watch just important ones. Also tennis, riding are some sports which are popular.


I: You attend to university in Germany and in the USA. Can you please compare you experience in two different cultures?

R: In Germany, your advantage is that you are more responsible for yourself. You have to organize yourself. I think it is better because it prepares students for their future life. Especially for your career it is helpful.

I: Do you have any questions for me?

R: No. Thank you!

I: Thank you so much!

Description of the Process

During my third interview, I usually got simple short answers and I couldn’t create a long conversation. Nevertheless I got some informative answers to my questions.

Utku Hasbay

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