Monday, September 24, 2012

Citation Practice

1. I selected the book because the name of the book impressed me.

2. It has edited by Loic Tallon and Kevin Walker.

3. The title is Digital Technologies and the Museum Experience.

4. Alta Mira Press printed the book. The name of the publisher is Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, inc.

5. It was printed in 4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200 Lanham, MD 20706 USA and in year 2008.

“In the past decade, museums have experienced a revolution with the arrival of new technologies capable of enhancing their visitors’ experiences with multimedia content.” [1] Thus the museums which ignored by society started to be important again. It made me really happy. We began to give them the value that they deserve.

Works cited:
[1] Tallon Loic and Walker Kevin, ‘Digital Technologies and the Museum Experience’, Handheld Guides and Other Media, Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, inc. 2008.

 Utku Hasbay

How my group organized the presentation on "My native language is not English."

Utku Hasbay

My group mate,  Quyen Tran and I choose the “My native language is not English.” topic. Specifically she choose the “Countable and uncountable nouns” as a subtitle. Mine was “Transitions”. I believe that we choose the most suitable topics for us.  Firstly my group mate and I try to understand the homework. So we asked questions to each other. We try to be sure both of us understand the homework correctly and in the same way. We asked couple questions to instructor too. After we understand we need to do, we decided to work separately on our specific topics. We conclude that we can change our two separate works to one group work. After that both of us started to gain more information about his/her topic. I used search engine, google, to reach some information about my topic. St. Cloud State’s Leo website was really helpful. After I read some websites, I try to make my first draft in my head. Then I started to write my part of our group work. I used examples from LEO website to make my statement more clear. According to our agreement, I supposed to write our group conclusion. I spend too much on that. My goal was putting emphasize on the importance of transition words. How essays look like without them? What are their functions in our paper? Those were the couple questions that I try to give answer on my work. Her goal was giving clear information about countable and non-countable nouns. What are the most overlooked points of this subtitle? What are the most common mistakes? Grammatically, How should we use the suffix “s”? Those were the couple questions that my group mate tries to give answer on her work. She also try to explain her topic by giving a lot of examples. After I finish my work, I look again the websites that I used as a source and I took the URL’s to specify at the end of my work. Then I checked my group mate, she told me she still needs time to finish her work. Then I decided to print out my work to study for the presentation. After couple minutes later, she finished her work too and we try to make our separate works look better. Then we try to put them together as a one group work.  We change some sections of our separate work. Also she came with a better conclusion rather than mine. Thus we change our conclusion too. Then we read our last draft until we became sure it is fine. Then we started to think about our presentation style. She would like to give introduction and conclusion with her work. Therefore we thought that we can keep our presentation in order. After that we printed the last draft of our group work to study our work more efficiently for the presentation. While we were waiting, our turn to give our presentation, our instructor decided to continue to presentations next week’s class.

Monday, September 17, 2012

LEO Presentation - My Native Language is not English (The second draft)

                                                                                                                                                           Utku Hasbay

                                                                                                                                                             Quyen Tran

Our native language is not English
   Due to the same situation which is we are International students, today we are going to talk about the problems we get when writing an essay, since our native language is not English. If you are an international student, you might get the same confused as we do. There are two aspects that we get trouble with the most. The first one is the differences between count and noncount nouns, and the second one is that all sentences sound the same in a paragraph.
   First, we are going to distinguish count and noncount nouns. After we had understood about these differences, we will be able to use the noun plural ending -s correctly and use words that express quantities, such as little, much, . . . Knowing how to use count and noncount nouns will make it sounds much better while speaking and make essays look perfectly corrected.
What is the definition of count and noncount nouns?
Count nouns: count nouns use singular and plural verbs and pronouns”. (1)

A count noun have the –s at the end if it’s plural.
Example: car, table, orange, television
- The is a car in the garage./ There are five cars on the road.

- How many cars are there?
Noncount nouns: “noncount nouns use only singular verbs and pronouns”. (2)
Example: traffic, furniture, fruit, video equipment
- There is some fruit on the table.

- How much fruit do we have?

Special case: There are some nouns which are used with both functions count and noncount: fruit(s), wine(s), food(s), drink(s), coffee(s). Usually, it happens when using words with food and beverages.
Example: Some types of Vietnamese fruits are starting to be grown in America fields.
  Second, we will talk about the way to use transitions in an essay, so that the essay will flow smoothly and all the sentences do not sound the same. As an international student I have a hard time with writing fluent English papers. When I review my papers and try to compare them with the “perfect” ones. I realized that I don’t know how to use transition words such as furthermore, and, so, because, but, nor, where, which. Lacking of using transition words my sentences usually sound like, I am emphasizing same points. So this problem bothers the reader and my papers are far from being fluent. Let me give some examples that I took from Leo:

The two countries reached an agreement on trade policies. They then were able to complete their peace treaty.
After the two countries reached an agreement on trade policies, they were able to complete their peace treaty.
EX 1* (3)
The program's format allows individual users to make changes. This can be done each time users encounter problems in implementing the program.
The program's format allows individual users to make changes whenever they encounter problems implementing the program.
 EX 2* (4) 
    As we can see from the examples, when we use those short but extremely significant words in correct place of our sentences, they change the way how our sentences sound, they help us to make our paper smoothly and more excited. Also they undertake the role of being main component between sentences as well as paragraphs.
  In conclusion, after taking a look from the resources we had read, we have got to know how to fix those problems we have got. We know how to distinguish count and noncount nouns, and know how to avoid making all sentences looked the same. We hope you also figured it out with us, of course, if you are an international student that has the same problem with us.


Utku Hasbay "All of my sentences sound same."


    The main topic that we choose for ourselves is my native language is not English and the “All of my sentences sound the same.” is the subtitle that I choose to make a presentation about.
 As an international student I have a hard time with writing fluent English papers. When I review my papers and try to compare them with the “perfect” ones. I realized that I don’t know how to use transition words such as furthermore, and, so, because, but, nor, where, which. Lacking of using transition words my sentences usually sound like, I am emphasizing same points. So this problem bothers the reader and my papers are far from being fluent. Let me give some examples that I took from Leo:

The two countries reached an agreement on trade policies. They then were able to complete their peace treaty.
After the two countries reached an agreement on trade policies, they were able to complete their peace treaty.

                                    EX 1*

The program's format allows individual users to make changes. This can be done each time users encounter problems in implementing the program.
The program's format allows individual users to make changes whenever they encounter problems implementing the program.

                                     EX 2*


 As we can see from the examples, when we use those short but extremely significant words in correct place of our sentences, they change the way how our sentences sound, they help us to make our paper smoothly and more excited. Also they undertake the role of being main component between sentences as well as paragraphs.

*Sources for EX 1 and 2:  (9/17/2012)


"I am writing a research paper and

1)My native language is not English.
-All of my sentences sound the same.

2)I'm having problems getting started.
-I'm not sure how to write the kind of paper my teacher assigned.

3)I'd like some tips for developing my ideas.
-I'd like to work on sensory details."                 (Taken from

As an international student I would like to develop my writing skills. What a discover is, I don't know how to use transition words. Thus my papers usually sound same. Because of that I choose my first topic.

The reason of choosing my second topic is having hard time with my biology papers. I don't have many experience on specific type of papers. Therefore I choose this topic to develop myself on that point.

The last topic that I choose is for making my papers more excited and descriptive.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Inventory List and a Story

The 12 Items from Inventory List

1)      Minimized Trinkets:

- A Canoe: It was American Indian hand-made canoe. Its length was approximately 10 cm.                   

- A Drummer: In my opinion, it was representing a culture. It was figure that walks while playing a drum.          

- A Village House: It was a white house which is situated a rural area. The figure has a minimized animal on the front yard of the house.         

- A Wooden Woman Head: It was wooden woman head which has blue eyes, no hair and thin upper lip. Also it has a weary, tired, exhausted looking.

- A Masai: It was a cultural figure too. Additionally it was one of the most remarkable objects on the table.

      2)    A Blanket: It was a blanket which has flower pattern on it. Black, pink and brown were                        the dominant colors.

      3)    3 Chestnuts: They were three, little, dark brown chestnuts. They were pretty much unshaped.

      4)    A Wallet: There were some Euros in the wallet. Also there was an elephant and tree figure on the front side of it.

      5)    A Ruler: It was a wooden, 12 inches ruler. Also there was a centimeter scale side too.

      6)    A Jar with a cork: It was a small jar. Green, yellow and white were the colors that can be seen on the outside part of it.

      7)    A Seal: It was an old looking seal. There were Chinese characters on it.

      8)    A Plate: It was an extremely small sized plate. There were some leaf figures on it.

      9)    6 Coins: They were 6 different coins with six different sizes and embosses. They were in a cover package. 

This story is about 13 items that are in inventory list.

The Mysterious Night in Hanson Mansion
 Detective Clinton was sitting on his comfortable, leather chair in his office. Those couple days were extremely hot. While sipping his decaffeinated coffee, he decided to turn on the air condition. He straightened up and tried to reach the remote of air condition with his left hand. Suddenly the telephone started to ring painfully and he startled. The coffee on his right hand poured on his legs above the knee. He jumped up and three of his trinkets fell down with his left hand’s accidently touching. They fell to pieces on ground. Those three trinkets were most significant things in his life. The one which seems like a drummer was his best friend’s gift. The one which represents a masai was his first love’s, wife’s gift and the one which looks like a woman head was her daughter’s gift. After he lost all of them in an accident, these three trinkets became much more valuable than they really are. He lifted the receiver of the phone while trying to figure out what just happened in last three seconds. After he listened carefully the voice at the phone, his face took a shape that cannot be described. “I am on my way.” He said.
 Mr. Hanson was the richest resident of their town and he was an old friend of Detective Clinton. Now Detective Clinton was trying to collect evidence nearby his old friend’s dead body. There were three chestnuts. Two of them were in Mr. Hanson’s left palm and the other one was on his throat. He seemed to be got drowned. After Detective Clinton looked over the body, the swelling of his head which other detectives couldn’t see, caught his attention. Detective Clinton said: “I want to speak everybody who works in his house. Immediately…” At the same time a scream came from upstairs. Maid Rose yelled: “Someone call an ambulance!” She continued: “Ms. Lora committed suicide.” Ms. Lora was Mr. Hanson’s helper angel. He always tells her: “Lora, what I would've done without you?” and he was right. Lora was hard-worker personnel. She was presiding over the company's entire business. Also they were really good friends since they met in the university. While doctors trying to do the emergency action, Alisha; Mr. Hanson’s young, beautiful wife came in. “What is happening in here?” “Could someone tell me?”

After 2 weeks later. Detective Clinton was hitting his left palm with a ruler which standing on his right hand and he asked “Why she committed a suicide?” Detective Roy answered: “Because she was a real friend Clinton. I hope she can get through it. By the way while you were in Europe, Detective Jen and I demystify Mr. Hanson’s file. It was a murder not a simple case drowning. After you left, we got a box by mail which tells us an address and a time. Also there was a little canoe and a minimized figure of a house. We went there with Jen and across a river by a canoe and we went  to address which was the exact same house of the one that we received. We get inside of the house and we saw Mr. Hanson’s young wife and her lover. Also the hair example that we got from Mr. Hanson’s body is 100% compatible with Alisha’s lover.” He stubbed out his cigarette on a small plate which has colorful leaf figures on it. “So why you still didn’t seal it with your famous one which has your name in Chinese on the top of it? Isn’t it obvious, Clinton? Alisha and her lover try to get all of his money?” “Let me explain, Roy.” Detective Clinton said.
Detective Clinton took out his last Euros from his wallet and he said: “I bet all the money in my wallet, someone was trying to direct us since the beginning of the murder.” “I was in Europe to find out who sent that box to you and Jen. Also I found a broken jar in the mansion’s waste container. I sent it to laboratory with the blanket that was near to Mr. Hanson’s body. Also I had a short but very useful conversation with old, faithful, secretive servant. All evidences predict a single person. Ms. Lora!” Detective Roy was surprised. “She sent that box with a late request to you from Europe. Also the broken jar was the reason of Mr. Hanson’s swelling. She hit his head with it then she put those chestnuts into their places. She cleaned the ground but she forgot to clean blanket which still has some piece of jar and her blood that transmitted from her finger. Then she tried to put some evidences that will take us to Alisha and her lover. Also she got those sleeping pills which doesn’t have any serious side effects rather than helps you to sleep for 2 weeks.” “B, bu, but why?” Roy asked. “Mr. Hanson’s faithful servant helped me on that point. He mentioned me about a night for a month ago. The night that Ms. Lora gave up hiding her feelings to Mr. Hanson.” Detective Roy confused. “Roy couldn’t you filled the puzzle? She killed him because she didn’t get the response that she expects. Then she discovered Alisha and her lover. She told what she knows to Mr. Hanson on the night that Mr. Hanson died but Mr. Hanson didn’t believe her. After all of that when she saw, he still choice Alisha, she had a jealousy attack. You already know what did happen after that.” Mr. Clinton smiled and he took out his lucky coins. “Maybe it's time to give them to you.”
Utku Hasbay