Monday, September 24, 2012

How my group organized the presentation on "My native language is not English."

Utku Hasbay

My group mate,  Quyen Tran and I choose the “My native language is not English.” topic. Specifically she choose the “Countable and uncountable nouns” as a subtitle. Mine was “Transitions”. I believe that we choose the most suitable topics for us.  Firstly my group mate and I try to understand the homework. So we asked questions to each other. We try to be sure both of us understand the homework correctly and in the same way. We asked couple questions to instructor too. After we understand we need to do, we decided to work separately on our specific topics. We conclude that we can change our two separate works to one group work. After that both of us started to gain more information about his/her topic. I used search engine, google, to reach some information about my topic. St. Cloud State’s Leo website was really helpful. After I read some websites, I try to make my first draft in my head. Then I started to write my part of our group work. I used examples from LEO website to make my statement more clear. According to our agreement, I supposed to write our group conclusion. I spend too much on that. My goal was putting emphasize on the importance of transition words. How essays look like without them? What are their functions in our paper? Those were the couple questions that I try to give answer on my work. Her goal was giving clear information about countable and non-countable nouns. What are the most overlooked points of this subtitle? What are the most common mistakes? Grammatically, How should we use the suffix “s”? Those were the couple questions that my group mate tries to give answer on her work. She also try to explain her topic by giving a lot of examples. After I finish my work, I look again the websites that I used as a source and I took the URL’s to specify at the end of my work. Then I checked my group mate, she told me she still needs time to finish her work. Then I decided to print out my work to study for the presentation. After couple minutes later, she finished her work too and we try to make our separate works look better. Then we try to put them together as a one group work.  We change some sections of our separate work. Also she came with a better conclusion rather than mine. Thus we change our conclusion too. Then we read our last draft until we became sure it is fine. Then we started to think about our presentation style. She would like to give introduction and conclusion with her work. Therefore we thought that we can keep our presentation in order. After that we printed the last draft of our group work to study our work more efficiently for the presentation. While we were waiting, our turn to give our presentation, our instructor decided to continue to presentations next week’s class.

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