Monday, October 22, 2012

First interview's Report

Interviewee: Tom Wiesnet
Interviewer: Utku Hasbay
First Interview Report
Date of Interview: Friday, 19th of October
Time of Interview: 3:00 pm
Location of Interview: Study Room 227 in Library
Germany Country Report
  Germany is one of the six main founders of European Union. The European country which attracts attention with its strong economy, has Federal parliamentary system. Germany consists of 16 different states. Also it has the second largest population in Europe. German is the official language and Berlin is the capital city of Germany. The country covers 357,021 square kilometres. Temperate seasonal climate is dominant majority of this geography. President Joachim Gauck and Chancellor Angela Merkel are most powerful two politicians of the country. Country’s histroy traced before AD 100. During that time Germany had key roles in world history. Napoleonic Wars, German Revolution of 1918–1919, World War-I, World War-II, allied occupation (East-West), European Community are some of the highlights from its history. When we look to the demographics of the country, we can easily conclude that majority of the population is German. Also country hosts to other ethnic groups such as Turks, Asians, other Europeans. Sports, art, literature and philosophy are the center of interest for their culture. Some known German names in order of the interests that we mentioned are Franz Beckenbauer, Jurgen Klinsmann, Oliver Kahn, Miroslav Klose, Matthias Grünewald, Albrecht Dürer, Caspar David Friedrich, Max Ernst, Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Theodor Fontane, Brothers Grimm, Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling; Arthur Schopenhauer, Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche.

"Germany." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, N.d., Web. 20 Oct. 2012. <>.

"Central Intelligence Agency." CIA, N.d,  Web. 20 Oct. 2012. <>.
"GermanyDeutschland“ Germany Facts: Learn Germany Facts., N.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2012.

Library of Congress. Federal Research Division., United States. Dept. of the Army., Germany:a country study, Washington, D.C. : Headquaters, Dept. of the Army, 3rd ed. (1996).

Preparation for the Interview

  I met with my interviewee in the residence hall that I live in. After we scheduled a day with him for the interview, I reserved a study room in library. After that, I started to do my research about Germany and German culture. On this point internet was the most helpful device. Also I checked out a book from library called Germany: a country study. I determined the useful parts of the book and I revised them. Before interview, I prepare a draft of my interview and I made a brainstorm about it. I tried to find correct transitions between my topics. I spend time on the logistics of my interview. I printed out my questions for my interviewee. I checked my recorder just to make sure it works. On the interview day, I revise my questions and study on my approach styles for each topic. For the interview I dressed up professionally and went to interview location twenty minutes before to avoid unwanted circumstances.
Transcription of the Interview

My friend Tom didn’t reject me and accept to interview with me about Germany and German culture.

I=Interviewer, T=Interviewee

 I: I wanted to start a little bit about family structure in your country. What is the value of family unit in German society? When you consider work life, social life and family life, where is the family unit’s place for people in your society? Is it significantly important or could you say, it stays on the second or on the third plan?

T: I think family life is important and Germany, of course there are families which are broken, parents are divorced, but most of families care about being a family and staying together. There are special holidays for parents to spend time with their children. So it is really important for German Society.

I: My second question also related to this topic but for this time, it specifically about your family. If you do not feel comfortable to mention about your family, because it is your personal life, I can understand you and we can continue with next question.

T: It is OK.

I: So could you please a little bit mention about your family? Do you have any siblings?

T: Yes, of course I have two brothers, one older and the other one is younger. I love my brothers. I miss them. My older brother lives with her girlfriend in Germany but we still contact with him a lot.

I: What young brother?

T: He studies back in Germany, his major is mechanical engineering.

I: Did your older brother graduated from a German school?

T: German. He graduated from Germany then he got more education on architecture and now he works for a big company.

I: I wonder that are you exchange student?

T: Yes, I am.

I: What made you to come here?

T: There is a partnership between my university and St. Cloud State University.

I: I see and do your both parents work?

T: Yes. My dad works for an insurance and mum works for a bank.

I: My mum has retired from a Turkish bank.

T: My mum in Sparkassen Bank. Have you ever heard it?

I: I do not think so.

T: Well, I saw it in somewhere and I am surprised.

I: So you are here for one month, right?

T: Approximately two months.

I: According to your experience, when compare your culture and American culture, what are the major differences?

T: I think American people are more open-minded. There are lots of people who just came to me and ask me how am I. I think that is great. Back in Germany, people speak each other only if they know the other person. But I like in here.

I: We have the same cultural difference between Turkish people and American people. I agree with you, cultural difference in here is better.

I: Also I know October Festival is very popular back in Germany. Can you please mention about festivals and celebration of Germany?

T: I came from Bavaria, south of Germany. So I know all the culture about October Fest. Most of people who attend October Fest are tourists. A lot of Italian… I do not know the reason but a lot of Italians are the majority. It is for two weeks. Also there are some other holidays, such as Eastern, Christmas.

I: Do you have any other special holidays or festivals?

T: Father’s Day and Mother’s Day are also holidays that we celebrate officially. The German Unity Day is also an official holiday. I think there is no other official holiday.

I: Let’s mention about your cuisine? What are the popular most popular foods of your cuisine?

T: Something special in Bavaria is schwenkbraten and bear of course. Whole Germany is different. On north fish is popular and in Bavaria meet.

I: Could you please describe schwenkbraten? Is it all vegetables?

T: Sometimes. I think it is leg of pork which is well cooked and it is mixture of buns, egg and a little bit milk. Then you cook it too.

I: As you know when you try to learn a culture, one of important thing that you need to know is beliefs of society. On this point what you can tell me about religious beliefs in Germany?

T: The biggest part of the Germany is Christian. They are the one big group. They are bout ninety five percent of the population.

I: When you consider this, can we mention about equal distribution of power? Does the majority predominant?

T: Religious beliefs do not affect people life that much.

I: What are German people’s common hobbies?

T: I think the most popular one is soccer.

I: You know, Oliver Kahn was my favorite player during my childhood.

T: (He laughs…)

I: Are you guys going to be in next World Cup?

T: Of course, we will.

I: What was the last game score of German team?

T: It was with Sweden and it ends four to four.

I: So usually people spend their free time with sports and soccer is the most popular activity.

T: Yes.

I: I know you have different type of high schools, and your education system directs people according to their skills very successfully. What can you tell me about Germany’s education system?

T: Elementary school is same. It is one school. Then we can decide. We have two options. Then after you graduated they gave you some options and you can decide according to your skill and wants.

I: Many countries have university entrance examinations. According to that examination’s results lots of students cannot be able to continue their education life. What about Germany? Do students have good chance to go to university?

T: Yes. They have. It depends on money that your parents have. It is not as expensive as the USA. But it is still expensive, if you cannot find someone to support you, you cannot handle with it.

I: What about government school, are they free?

T: You still need to pay but not that much?

I: And private schools are?

T: They are too expensive…

I: We are done with our core questions but I also would like to know your thoughts about Turkish German people.

I: Have you ever met with any Turkish people in Germany?

T: Yes.

I: What do you think about Turkish German people?

T: I have lots of friend who grow up in Germany and his/her background is Turkish. They are part of German culture, now. It is normal for us. There is something special, German students in here have small group and they interact with each other and same thing is in Germany for Turkish people.

I: Do you think Turkish German people adjusted to German culture?

T: I think. It is half, half. Some of them can, but other half; they do not want to.

I: OK. Do you have any questions for me?

T: Not, at that moment…

I: OK. Thank you so much! It was a great, informative interview.

Description of the Process

I believe that I got lots of answers which are more valuable one from other. At the beginning of the interview both of us little bit nervous. But couple minutes later we even forgot about recorder and our conversation flow spontaneously. I didn’t spend any time to develop it. In my opinion, on this point giving organized questions before to start interview played a key role. I gave him couple minutes to review them. Thus he had a detailed idea about our interview topic and it decreased his excitement. For future interviews, if I can build a conversation before to start interview and if I connect it with my interview topic, it would be helpful to get more honest, deliberative and detailed answers.

Utku Hasbay

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